Basics of Florida Foster Care and Child Advocacy

Learn what it’s like to support Florida’s children through fostering or guardian ad litem volunteering.

Want to learn more?

The “Basics” Mini-Course is designed to help Floridans who want to support children and determine which role best fits their personality and lifestyle.

No pressure. No timelines.

Florida urgently needs Foster Parents and Guardian ad Litem Volunteers, but there is no pressure or timelines here. The “Basics” Mini-Course is simple information to help you make an informed choice. Everyone wins when volunteers find the right role to help children thrive.

Meet Your Course Instructor

Calyn Stringer, a former foster and adoptive parent, is now recruiting for Northwest Florida Health Network. After fostering and adopting a sibling group of five, the Stringers dedicated their time to raising awareness for the need for more foster families. After leaving her job at Florida State University, she joined the NWF Health Team to teach and license new foster families. Calyn is passionate about engaging churches and community partners in finding homes for children. When not teaching or talking to prospective foster parents, she enjoys playing outside with her energetic kids.

Determine Your Path

Information to help you determine what roles might be a natural fit.

Gain Real Insight

Real insight into service roles like Foster Parent and Guardian ad Litem Volunteer.

Get Connected

Connections to experts who can answer your questions.

Help Children Experience Stability and Opportunity

Everything here is free and you won’t be contacted by anyone without your permission.